Become a Remote Client

What’s a remote client?

A remote client is a client of ours who does not live locally near our current location(s). As a remote client, you will purchase service and products recommended by your dedicated Esthetician. Your dedicated Esthetician will follow up with you weekly, biweekly, or as needed. If a service is purchased, your Esthetician will set an appointment with you for a video-call to help you administer the treatment.

What are the risks?

As a remote client, you agree to follow our instructions and protocols. You understand that, although under Esthetician supervision and instructions, you are the administrator of the treatment. Without following proper protocol, you may put yourself at risk.

What are the fees?

The initial consultation is always free. There are no monthly fees being a remote client. Your Esthetician will give you recommendations and a treatment plan. After revewing the treatment plan with you, you will be given the price of the treatment curated for you. At this time, you can decide to move forward and purchase. There is no committment until a treatment plan is purchased.

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